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市 长 刘大群



  (2000年8月9日市政府第九次常务会议审议通过 根据2011年12月19日《邢台市人民政府关于修改<邢台市市级预算收入监督管理暂行办法>的决定》修订)
  第一条 为建立和完善财政监督体系,强化财政监督职能,确保我市市级财政收入及时、准确、足额上缴国库,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》、《中华人民共和国会计法》等有关规定,制定本办法。
  第二条 本办法所称市级预算收入,是指应当上缴市级国库的税收收入、国有资本收益、政府性基金收入、行政性收费和其他各项政府收入。
  第三条 凡应缴纳市级预算收入的国家机关、社会团体、企业和事业单位(以下统称缴纳单位),市级预算收入征收部门,以及国库和有关金融机构等,应当遵守本办法。
  第四条 市财政部门负责市级预算收入的监督管理工作。
  第五条 对市级预算收入的监督管理采取日常监督与定期检查、重点检查与普遍检查相结合的方法进行。
  第六条 各县(市、区)人民政府应当按照国家、省和本市的有关规定,支持有关部门做好市级预算收入的缴纳、征收和入库工作,不得制定涉及减免市级预算收入或者影响市级预算收入征收的规定。
  第七条 市级预算收入的缴纳单位应当按照国家、省和本市规定的预算级次、预算科目、缴库方式和期限,缴纳市级预算收入,不得截留、占用、挪用和拖欠市级预算收入。
  第八条 市级预算收入征收部门应当按照国家、省和本市的有关规定,做好市级预算收入的征收工作,不得擅自免征、减征、缓征、退征;未经市财政部门批准,不得将市级预算收入存在国库外设立的过渡性帐户。
  第九条 各级国库和有关金融机构应当按照国家、省和本市的有关规定,办理市级预算收入的收纳、划分和报解,不得擅自将市级预算收入延解、占压、混库和退库。
  第十条 市财政部门有权要求市级预算收入的缴纳单位、征收部门和国库等,提供与市级预算收入有关的资料,任何部门和单位不得拒绝、拖延、谎报。
  第十一条 市财政部门有权对市级预算收入的缴纳、征收和国库的收纳、报解等情况进行检查,被检查单位不得拒绝、阻碍。
  第十二条 市财政部门可以委托会计师事务所等社会中介机构,对市级预算收入的解缴等情况进行审计。受委托的中介机构应当按照有关规定,向市财政部门出具审计报告;不得隐瞒被审计单位违反财经纪律的问题或者出具虚假报告。
  第十三条 违反本办法第六条规定的,由市财政部门责令改正;逾期未改正的,对主要责任人员,由其上级机关或者监察机关给予行政处分。
  第十四条 违反本办法第七条规定的,由市财政部门责令改正,对企业可处违法金额百分之十至二十的罚款;对其他缴纳单位给予通报批评;对直接责任人员给予记大过处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
  第十五条 违反本办法第八条、第九条、第十一条规定的,由市财政部门责令改正,对负有直接责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究行政责任。
  第十六条 违反本办法第十二条规定的,由市财政部门责令纠正;情节严重的,对有责任的会计人员,吊销其会计从业资格证书,由有关部门收回其会计专业技术职务聘书和会计专业技术资格证书;对有责任的其他人员由上级机关或主管部门给予党纪、政纪处分。
  第十七条 对财政部门做出的行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请行政复议或者提出行政诉讼;复议和诉讼期间,不停止行政处罚决定的执行,法律、法规另有规定的除外。
  第十八条 财政检查人员违反法律、法规、规章和本办法的规定,在工作中徇私舞弊、玩忽职守,滥用职权的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第十九条 市财政局可根据本办法制定实施细则。
  第二十条 各县(市、区)人民政府本级预算收入的监督管理工作,参照本办法执行。
  第二十一条 本办法自公布之日起施行,有效期五年。《邢台市市级预算收入监督管理暂行办法》(市政府令〔2000〕第8号)同时废止。

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(2004年2月29日齐齐哈尔市人民政府第13次常务会议审议通过 2004年3月25日齐齐哈尔市人民政府令第3号公布 自2004年12月31日起施行)

第一条 为减少工程建设对环境的污染,提高建设工程质量和速度,促进我市生态市、园林城和旅游城市建设,根据国家有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本规定。

第二条 本市中心城区范围内生产、经营、运输和使用商品混凝土的单位和个人,适用本规定。



第三条 市建设行政主管部门应当在建设工程的施工管理及预拌混凝土生产企业的资质管理过程中,强化应用商品混凝土的监管力度,按照有关规定,做好建设工程限期应用商品混凝土工作。市散装水泥工作管理部门在其职权范围内,做好建设工程应用商品混凝土工作。


第四条 中心城区范围内的市政工程、大中型工业建筑、大型公共建筑、成片开发的小区(包括建成小区内的新建单体工程)及主干道两侧的建设工程,不得现场搅拌混凝土,必须使用商品混凝土。


第五条 本规定第四条所列建设工程有下列情形之一的,经市建设行政主管部门现场查验属实,可以在施工现场搅拌混凝土:




第六条 建设工程使用商品混凝土,应当符合下列要求并履行下列手续:






第七条 建设工程质量监督管理部门应对建设工程使用的商品混凝土质量进行监督管理。

第八条 建设单位应当按已审核通过的商品混凝土需要量组织施工,不得擅自更改。建设工程监理单位应当对使用商品混凝土情况进行监督,发现未按规定使用商品混凝土的,必须予以制止并及时向有关部门报告。

第九条 从事商品混凝土生产、经营、运输的单位和个人,应当到工商行政管理部门办理商品混凝土企业注册登记。其中,从事商品混凝土生产的,须经建设行政主管部门资质审查,核发相应的资质等级证书后,方可从事生产。

第十条 商品混凝土生产企业应当按照核定的资质等级和经营范围从事生产经营活动,建立健全质量管理制度,生产的商品混凝土应当符合质量标准;销售时,应当出具产品质量合格证。

第十一条 商品混凝土生产企业应当使用散装水泥进行生产。

第十二条 商品混凝土运输车辆及泵送车等工程特种车辆,由市公安交通管理部门统一核发交通特许通行证,按批准的时间和路线行驶。商品混凝土运输车辆及泵送车应当保证车况良好、整洁并采取相应的防渗漏措施,在指定地点清洗。


第十三条 违反本规定,应使用商品混凝土不使用以及擅自更改用量的,由市建设行政主管部门按混凝土已浇筑量,对相关单位处以每立方米100元的罚款。其中,擅自更改用量的,建设行政主管部门不予办理建设工程质量监督报告。

第十四条 违反本规定,擅自使用袋装水泥生产商品混凝土的,由市散装水泥工作管理部门按省政府的有关规定处罚。

第十五条 违反本规定,无资质生产商品混凝土的,由建设行政主管部门予以取缔,并处合同价款(生产量价值)2%以上4%以下的罚款,违法所得予以没收;不出具产品质量合格证的,处200元至2000元罚款。

第十六条 按本规定进行的罚款处罚,应使用省财政部门统一印制的票据并按本市罚缴分离的规定执行。

第十七条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请行政复议或直接向人民法院起诉。

第十八条 本规定由市人民政府负责解释。

第十九条 本规定自二○○四年十二月三十一日起施行。





第一条 为了维护社会治安,保障公共安全,防止犯罪分子利用枪支进行破坏活动,特制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所指的枪支(包括这些枪支所使用的弹药)是指非军事系统的下列枪支:军用的手枪、步枪、冲锋枪和机枪,射击运动用的各种枪支,狩猎用的有膛线枪、散弹枪、火药枪,麻醉动物用的注射枪,以及能发射金属弹丸的气枪。

第三条 下列人员可以佩带枪支:
第四条 下列单位可以配置公用枪支:
第五条 开展射击运动的县以上体育运动委员会,可以配置射击运动枪支。
第六条 专业狩猎生产的人员和单位,可以佩带和配置猎枪。非专业狩猎人员持有猎枪的,限十八岁以上公民,每人不得超过两支。
第七条 狩猎生产和科研教学单位、野生动物饲养和畜牧业单位、兽医院需对动物进行麻醉注射的,可以配置注射枪。
第八条 电影制片厂因拍摄电影需要,可以购置已经淘汰的旧式枪支作道具使用。但除少量效果枪外,其他枪支机件必须进行技术处理,使其不再能用以实弹射击。

第九条 各种枪支,除国家指定的工厂制造和修理外,任何单位和个人,不准私自制造、修理或装配。
第十条 各单位购买军用枪支,应当将购买枪支的种类、数量、用途、佩带和配置范围报经当地公安机关同意后,向国家指定的机关申请价拨。

第十一条 持枪人员,必须经本单位负责人同意,报县以上主管部门批准。持枪单位,必须经县以上人民政府批准。
第十二条 持枪人员和持枪单位,必须向所在地县、市公安局申领持枪证。经县、市公安局审核,发给持枪证。
第十三条 展览馆、博物馆等单位保存的有历史意义的枪支,必须向所在地县、市公安局登记,不准挪作他用。
第十四条 严禁在城市、集镇、居民点、风景游览区、机场、交通沿线以及其他规定不准鸣枪的地区任意呜枪。非狩猎区禁止鸣枪打猎。
第十五条 在某些特定的地区和场所,不准携带枪支时,持枪人员应当将所带枪支交公安机关或指定单位保存,离去时发还。
第十六条 各种枪支均须妥善保管,确保安全。集体持有的,应当指定专人负责,专库(柜)保存,枪支、弹药分别存放,严防丢失、被盗和发生其他事故。
第十七条 持枪单位和持枪人员不准私自将枪支、弹药赠送、转借他人。持枪单位撤销或持枪人员工作调动时,应当将枪支交还发枪单位,并将持枪证交回原发证公安机关注销。
第十八条 运输枪支、弹药,必须事先向运往地的县、市公安局申领运输证。运到目的地后,凭证向当地公安机关登记备案或申领持枪证。
第十九条 从国外携带猎枪入境,必须事先经常住地县、市公安局批准。入境时,向海关申报,由边防检查站审核发给携运证。到达目的地后,向当地公安机关换领持枪证。
第二十条 各单位对不堪使用的报废枪支,要登记造册,报省、自治区,直辖市主管部门领导批准,向所在地县、市公安局送验登记清册,并作彻底毁型处理后,由销毁单位派人监督,在省、自治区、直辖市公安厅、局指定的冶金工厂回炉销毁。
第二十一条 对发射金属弹丸的气枪,体育部门用于射击运动的,按射击运动枪支管理;狩猎单位用于狩猎的,按猎枪管理。个人购买和持有发射金属弹丸的气枪,也要登记管理,具体办法由省、自冶区、直辖市公安厅、局制定。
第二十二条 持枪证,持枪通行证,射击运动枪、猎枪、注射枪购买证,枪支弹药运输证、携运证由公安部统一制定,省、自治区、直辖市公安厅、局统一印制,县、市公安局签发。
第二十三条 各级公安机关对本地区非军事系统枪支的佩带、使用、保管、变动等情况,实施监督,并定期进行检查。

第二十四条 外国驻华外交代表机关、领事机关及其人员携带枪支来华,必须事先向中华人民共和国外交部提出申请,经同意后,入境时向海关申报,由边防检查站审核发给携运证。到达目的地后,向驻在地的市公安局申报,办理枪支登记。
第二十五条 外国党、政、军、议会代表团成员及其警卫人员携带枪支来华,必须事先向中华人民共和国外交部或接待单位申报同意,由接待单位通知边防检查站,并向公安部备案。
第二十六条 外国体育代表队携带射击运动枪支,前来我国参加射击运动比赛活动,必须事先经中华人民共和国体育运动委员会批准。入境时,向海关申报,由边防检查站审核发给携运证。到达比赛地后,向当地县、市公安局登记备案,离开时注销。途经我国的,必须事先经中华人民共和国体育运动委员会批准,由中华人民共和国体育运动委员会通报边防检查机关,由入境地边防检查站将所带枪支加封过境。
第二十七条 外国民航飞机和外国籍船舶上携带的枪支、弹药,在飞机、船舶进入我国口岸时,由边防检查站予以封存,出境时启封。
第二十八条 本办法第二十四条、第二十五条、第二十六条规定以外的其他来华的外国人,除经中华人民共和国国家主管部门和目的地省、自治区、直辖市公安厅、局批准的以外,一律不准携带枪支、弹药入境。凡携带枪支、弹药的,在入境时必须向海关申报,由边防检查站暂时封存在口岸,出境时发还本人,或由携带人退运出境。经批准携带枪支、弹药入出境的,按本办法第十九条的规定办理手续。过境的必须向海关申报,由边防检查站审核加封过境。凡未向海关申报的,一律按非法运输枪支、弹药处理。
第二十九条 外国人在华购买猎枪,需经省、自治区、直辖市外事部门或接待单位同意并出具证明,向购买地的县、市公安局申领购买证,经批准后,到指定的商店凭证购买。

第三十条 凡违反本办法的,对主管负责人和直接责任人要视其情节轻重,分别给予纪律处分、治安管理处罚,直至依照法律追究刑事责任。

第三十一条 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和国务院各有关部、委可根据本办法,制定具体管理规定,报公安部备案。
第三十二条 本办法经国务院批准后,由公安部发布施行。一九五一年六月二十七日政务院批准、公安部发布施行的《枪支管理暂行办法》同时废止。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on January 5, 1981, and promulgated
by the Ministry of Public Security on April 25, 1981)
Article 1
These Measures are formulated to maintain public order, to safeguard
public security, and to prevent criminals from using firearms to commit
Article 2
The term firearms (including the ammunition used with these firearms), as
mentioned in these Measures, refers to the following firearms which belong
to the non-military system: pistols, rifles, and submachine guns and
machine guns for military use; various firearms for target shooting
sports; rifles, shot-gun, and powder-gun for hunting; injection-gun for
applying anesthesia on animals; and air-guns for discharging pellets. The
military firearms used for fitting out the People's Liberation Army, the
militia and the People's Armed Police Force shall be controlled in
accordance with the pertinent provisions of the army and militia system.
Carrying and Allocation of Firearms
Article 3
The following personnel may carry firearms:
(1) personnel working in the people's courts, the people's procuratorates,
and the public security organs who are required to carry firearms for
discharging their duties;
(2) party and government leading cadres working in the border areas,
coastal defence areas, and other remote areas who have the necessity, as
deemed by the people's governments of the provinces and autonomous
regions, to carry firearms;
(3) confidential couriers working in the Party and government departments
at or above the provincial level, and confidential messengers working in
the county or municipal Party and government departments in the border
areas or in post and telecommunications departments who have the necessity
to carry firearms;
(4) personnel working in the Customs who are required to carry firearms to
discharge their duties;
(5) guards and transport escorts working in war industries.
Article 4
Firearms for official use may be allocated to the following units:
(1) the security sections of factories and mines, enterprises, government
departments, schools and universities, research institutions, that have
the necessity to be fitted out with firearms;
(2) important financial and banking units and important warehouses, radio
stations, and research institutions which are located in remote area
without armed guards that have the necessity to be fitted out with
(3) geological prospecting teams and survey and drawing teams that work in
remote areas or at sea, that have the necessity to be fitted out with
(4) coastal and ocean-going passenger-liners, freighters and oil tankers
and other operation vessels operating on the sea;
(5) civil airports and civil air-liners that have the necessity to be
fitted out with firearms.
Article 5
Sports guns may be allocated to sports committees at or above the county
level that promote target-shooting sports.
Article 6
Personnel and units engaged in hunting as their specialized line of
production may carry or be allocated with hunting rifles. As regards the
non-professional hunting personnel, only citizens aged eighteen or over
may keep hunting rifles, and each can keep no more than two hunting
Article 7
Injection-guns may be allocated to such units as hunting production units,
scientific research and teaching units, wild animal breeding and livestock
farms, and veterinary hospitals that have the necessity to apply
anesthesia on animals.
Article 8
Film studios, in order to meet the needs of film production, may purchase
old and obsolete firearms as stage properties. With the exception of just
a small number of firearms used for creating special stage effects, all
firearms must undergo technical treatment so that they can no longer be
used for discharging live ammunition.
Manufacture and Purchase of Firearms
Article 9
Various kinds of firearms shall be manufactured and repaired by factories
designated by the State only; no units and individuals may manufacture,
repair or assemble firearms without authorization.
Article 10
For the purchase of military firearms, the purchasing units shall submit
to the local public security organs a report listing such details as the
categories of firearms to be purchased, their quantities, uses, and scope
of carrying and allocation. After obtaining the approval, they shall apply
to the department designated by the State for appropriations.
The purchase of various categories of firearms for target-shooting sports
shall be approved by the sports committee at a higher level and have the
consent of and the purchase permit granted by the county or municipal
bureau of public security at the place where the purchasing units are
located: only with the purchase permit may a purchasing unit make
purchases of firearms at the department designated by the State. The
purchase of hunting rifles and injection-guns shall be approved by the
competent forestry department at the county level or higher and have the
consent of and the purchase permit granted by the public security organ;
only with the purchase permit, may a purchasing unit make purchases at the
department designated by the State. The distributors of hunting rifles
shall go through the procedures of registration at the public security
organ at the county or municipal level or higher.
With the exception of the units designated by the State or approved by the
competent department, no units or individuals may sell or purchase
firearms and ammunition.
Control of Firearms
Article 11
The firearm-carrying personnel shall obtain the consent of the person in
charge of their unit, and have the approval of the competent department at
the county level or higher. The firearm-equipped unit shall obtain the
approval of the people's government at the county level or higher.
Without permission through legal procedures, no units or individuals may
keep firearms and ammunition privately. Firearms and ammunition kept
without permission shall be handed over to the local public security
organ, and shall not be disposed of privately.
Article 12
Firearm-carrying personnel and firearm-equipped units shall apply to the
local county or municipal bureau of public security for firearm licenses,
which shall be granted after examination and approval.
Firearm-carrying personnel, when going out with their firearms, shall
carry them with firearm licenses for examination. Personnel carrying
firearms for official use and who perform duties in places other than
their own county or municipality must apply to the local county or
municipal bureau of public security for firearm-carrying pass.
Article 13
Firearms which bear historic significance kept on display in exhibition
halls, museums, etc., shall be registered at the local county or municipal
bureau of public security, and shall not be used for other purposes.
Article 14
It is strictly prohibited to fire shots at will in cities, towns,
residential areas, scenic spots, airports, along communication lines, or
in any other places where shot-firing is prohibited according to
regulations. It is prohibited to fire shots and hunt in non-hunting areas.
Article 15
In some particular areas or places where firearms are banned, firearm-
carrying personnel shall leave the firearms they carry with the public
security organ or a designated unit for safe-keeping, and have them given
back when leaving.
Article 16
All categories of firearms shall be kept properly and safe. Firearms kept
collectively shall be well taken care of by persons specially designated
for the job; special warehouses (or cabinets) shall be used for keeping
the firearms, and firearms and ammunition shall be kept separately; strict
measures shall be taken against loss, theft or other accidents. In case
that firearms are lost or stolen, it must be reported immediately to the
public security organ, and the scene of the incident shall be kept intact.
Article 17
Firearm-equipped units and firearm-carrying personnel are not permitted,
without official approval, to lend out their firearms and ammunition or
give them to others as gifts. In the event that a firearm-equipped unit
has been disbanded or a firearm-carrying person been transferred to a new
unit, the unit or the person shall return the firearms to the original
firearm-allocating unit, and return the firearm licence(s) to the original
licence-issuing public security organ for cancellation. Persons who hold
hunting rifles shall, upon moving away from the county or city of their
original residence, return for cancellation their firearm licences to the
original licence-issuing public security organ and obtain firearm-
transport passes. On their arrival at their destinations, they shall
present the firearm-transport passes to the local security organ and go
through the procedures for obtaining new firearm licences.
Article 18
To transport firearms and ammunition, it is imperative to apply to the
county or municipal bureau of public security stationed at the destination
of transportation for a transport pass. Upon arrival at the destination,
the applicant shall present the transport pass to the local public
security organ and go through the procedures for registration or for
obtaining a new firearm licence.
Article 19
To carry hunting rifles into the country from abroad, it is imperative to
obtain, in advance, the approval of the county or municipal bureau of
public security stationed in the locality of the applicant's residence.
Upon entering the country, the applicant shall declare at the Customs, and
a carrying-transport permit shall be issued after examination and approval
by the border inspection office. Upon arrival at the destination, the
applicant shall go through the procedures for obtaining a firearm licence
by presenting the carrying-transport permit.
To carry hunting rifles out of the country, it is imperative to return for
cancellation the firearm licence to the original licence-issuing public
security organ for a carrying-transport permit. On exit, the applicant
shall declare at the Customs, and surrender the carrying-transport permit
to the local border inspection office.
Article 20
Firearms that have fallen into disuse shall be registered by the firearm-
holding units in detailed lists, which shall be submitted for approval to
the competent departments of the province, autonomous region, or
municipality directly under the Central Government, and, then, again to
the local county or municipal bureau of public security for examination;
after that, the disused firearms shall undergo a treatment of
disfigurement before they are sent, under the supervision of the unit in
charge of the destruction, to a smeltery designated by the public security
department (bureau) of the province, autonomous region, or municipality
directly under the Central Government for melting down and complete
Article 21
Air guns that discharge metal pellets shall be controlled in accordance
with the provisions concerning the control of sports guns, when used by
sports departments in target-shooting sports, and in accordance with the
provisions concerning the control of hunting rifles when used for hunting
by hunting units. Privately purchased and held pellet-discharging air guns
are also required to go through registration procedures and to be placed
under control; and the control measures shall be formulated by the public
security department (bureau) of the province, autonomous region, or
municipality directly under the Central Government.
Article 22
Firearm licences, firearm-carrying passes, purchase permits for sports
guns, hunting rifles and injection-guns, transport passes for firearms and
ammunition, and carrying-transport permits shall all be devised solely by
the Ministry of Public Security, be printed solely by the public security
department (bureau) of the province, autonomous region, or municipality
directly under the Central Government, and be signed and issued by the
county or municipal bureau of public security.
Article 23
The public security organs at various levels shall exercise supervision
over such affairs as the carrying, use, safe-keeping, and changes of
firearms in the non-military departments of their locality, and carry out
inspection at regular intervals.
Control of Firearms of Foreigners
Article 24
Foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts in China, and their
personnel, that are to carry firearms into China shall apply in advance to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China; after
obtaining the consent, they shall declare at the Customs on entering the
country and then be issued the carrying-transport permits by the border
inspection office after examination. Upon arrival at the destination, the
applicants shall report to the local municipal bureau of public security,
and go through the registration procedures for their firearms.
No firearms belonging to foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts in
China and to their personnel, with the exception of their shotguns which
may be used in hunting grounds, shall be carried out of the confines of
the aforesaid missions and posts. Foreign diplomatic missions and
consular posts in China and their personnel that are to carry their
firearms out of China shall send a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the People's Republic of China, and make an application to the
municipal bureau of public security at the locality of their residences
for registration cancellation and for the issuance of carrying-transport
permits. On exit, they shall declare at the Customs, and submit the
carrying-transport permit to the local border inspection office.
Article 25
Members of foreign political party, government, military or parliamentary
delegations and their guards that are to carry firearms into China shall
obtain in advance the consent from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
People's Republic of China or from the host units, which shall notify the
border inspection office and submit a report to the Ministry of Public
Security for the record.
Article 26
Foreign sports teams that come to China to take part in a shooting
tournament with their sports rifles and pistols shall obtain in advance
the approval by the Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the People's
Republic of China. On entering the country, they shall declare at the
Customs, and then the border inspection office shall issue them the
carrying-transport permits after examination. On arrival at the locality
of the tournament, they shall go through the registration procedures for
the record at the local county or municipal bureau of public security, and
cancel the registration before leaving. Foreign sports teams that travel
via China shall obtain in advance the approval of the Physical Culture and
Sports Commission of the People's Republic of China, which shall notify
the border inspection authorities, and the inspection office at the entry
point shall put paper slip seals on the firearms and permit them to pass
through the country.
Article 27
Firearms and ammunition on board foreign civil air-liners or vessels
registered in foreign countries, shall be sealed up by the border
inspection office when the air-liners and vessels enter a port of China,
and unsealed when the air-liners and vessels leave the country.
Article 28
Apart from those who come to China as stipulated in Articles 24, 25 and 26
of these Measures, no foreigners are permitted to carry firearms and
ammunition into the territory, unless approved by the competent
departments of the People's Republic of China and by the public security
department (bureau) of the province, autonomous region, and municipality
directly under the Central Government at the places of their destination.
Those who carry firearms and ammunition with them must, on entering the
territory, declare at the Customs, and the border inspection office shall
temporarily seal up the firearms and ammunition for safekeeping at the
entry port, and give them back when the owners leave the country; or the
firearms and ammunition shall be retransported out of the territory by the
original carriers. Those who have obtained the approval to carry firearms
and ammunition into or out of the territory shall go through the
procedures in accordance with the stipulations of Article 19 of these
Measures. Those in transit shall declare at the Customs, and the border
inspection office shall seal the firearms up after examination, and permit
them to pass through the country. Those who fail to declare at the
Customs shall be dealt with, without exception, as cases of illegal
transport of firearms and ammunition.
Article 29
Foreigners who wish to buy hunting rifles in China, shall obtain the
approval of and certificates from the foreign affairs office of the
province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central
Government, or the host unit. They shall then apply to the local county
and municipal bureau of public security for purchase permits and make
their purchases at designated stores after approval.
Article 30
The chief person-in-charge and the direct offender, who are held
responsible for the violation of these Measures, shall receive penalties
ranging from disciplinary sanction, punishment in accordance with the
regulations on the maintenance of public order, to an investigation by the
judicial organ of the criminal responsibilities of the offender, depending
on the seriousness of the case.
Article 31
The people's governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the Central Government and the various
ministries and commissions under the State Council may, in accordance with
these Measures, formulate specific provisions for the control of firearms,
and report thereon to the Ministry of Public Security for the record.
Article 32
These Measures shall go into effect after the approval by the State
Council and the promulgation by the Ministry of Public Security. The
Interim Measures Concerning the Control of Firearms, approved by the
Government Administration Council and promulgated by the Ministry of
Public Security on June 27, 1951, shall be abrogated at the same time.